It’s Almost September:) Few Hours Left Yay:)

It’s Almost September and I Hope Everyone Who Finds Themselves Here R Enjoying My Website? I Know, I Know, So Much Here To See:) Yes, Folks, Miss Wendy, That is Me, Creative At an Incredible Level:) So Some of You & I Surely Hope, Like My Creative Side?:)
Yet, I Do Combine Quit Nicely All My Wonderful Therapies Along Side & With My New Ventures:) So Indulge By Browsing At All My Different Pages! Yes?
Yes, If You Are On The “Home’ Page, First Page You See On My Website, “New Projects’ Coming Very Soon! New 90 second Video Called, “Time Travel, Past To Present’ Up Soon There, Hopefully By The End of The First Week Of September:)
If You Are Interested My Facebook Will Be Up Really Soon:) So You Can See My New Projects If You R Interested?
My Spa In Palm Bay Is So Relaxing & I Really Do a Great Job & Always Get Better To Serve You With Real Massage & Skincare Therapies:) Never Boring, Great Music, Fresh Aloe Vera Gel Made Daily! Take a Bottle Home, Just Ask:)
Please Note: My Facebook Will Be Up Soon, Yet It Is For My New Project & Not for Making Appointments Please!
If You Know Me, You Know My Voice Is Special & Soft. I Once Hated My Voice Because My Voice Was So Soft and Hard For Folks to Hear Me!
Now, I’m Excited To Say Soon, Beginning of October, To Offer a Podcast 3 Times a Week & You Can See All My Videos Produced In The Past 15 Years, Well At Least Most of Them:)
Each Podcast Show is Pre Recorded For Now. For Quiet Listening & Conversation, Like ASMR Style. Check Out You-Tube and ASMR If You Don’t Know This Type of Style To Relax:)
Each One, Different Interesting Subjects I Research Study and Present to You In a Fun Way Putting My Unique Spin on The Particular Subject:)
When My Facebook is Up, I Will Let You Know, Inked4animals & You Can See One or Two Styles:)
Remember In Wendy’s World, Animals R Great & So R You:)
Hope To Meet You Soon
Cheers To a Great Month:)
Wendy Arlene