Happy July & See What’s New In Wendy’s World?

Hi Everyone New & My Friends That Are Like Its a New Month, What Is Wendy Arlene Doing Now?
Ok, This Month, Many Changes For The Website, My Tech Guy Is Back & Ready To Start Working On My Website, Actually Just Help With The Function & What You See Better:) Like You Can Not View My Contact Page Or Serenity Stretch Page Very Well:(
That Will Be Fixed Soon:) I Will Be Deleting My Home Page Pictures, Text & Videos. I Will Start The Page Over So You May See Text But No Videos Right Away Till My Tech Guy Puts Them Up:)
NEW NEW Videos, Some Oldies But Goodies That Everyone Likes Of Course:)
Yes, I Will Have My Serenity Movement Therapy 1 And 2 Videos Up For Sell Soon & There Will Be a Video Introducing Talking About How To See Them Soon:)
I Did Both Videos When I Was In California & I Believe If You Are Interested In Increasing You Flexibility & Just Over All Wellbeing:) For a Bonus, You Can Pick & Get Either My “Beautiful Photography Of My Feet Art’ Or “My Swimwear/Bikini Collections’ I Made So Many of My Own Bikinis Over The Years with My Pets. They Are Classy & Beautiful Just Like When You See Photo Photography of Old Movie Stars & Remember I Took The Pictures Before Technology Was Super Good at Taking Photos On a Phone! I Took These Pictures With My Sony Camera At The Time:)
I Always Have a “Swimwear/Bikini Calendar I Did Back In 2014 which is Really Nice Too! This Video Will Be Available Too:) When You Do See My Serenity Movement Therapy 1 and 2 Videos, “Introduction Videos of Stretching with Serenity’ The Second One I Did, Remember in 2009 Before I Moved To Florida. I Did That One Focusing On Women’s Health But Really, That One Is For Everyone:) Now Days, Men Are Starting to Stretch More & Realizing How Much It Helps Keep Them Feeling Better:) Plus I Look Beautiful Because I Practice These Stretches, Techniques As Much As Possible:) I Now Have a Stretch Room, So I Can Help You Stretch & Also Give You a Great Massage & Skincare Treatment:)
So, Enjoy Some Changes Soon & Remember with Summer Heat, Enjoy & Take Home By Request Some Freshly Made Aloe Very Gel:)
Have a Great Summer & Stay Tuned:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene