August Is Here:) Where Are You? Hello Out There!

Where Are You? Enjoy Less Stress By Getting The Best Massage Longer! So I’m Offering Longer Sessions This Month. I Know Many Of You Drive Far & Traffic Is Fierce:(
Try a 2 Hour Massage for $170:) Enjoy a Wonderful Long Session. What’s Included? Swedish/Thai Massage, Warm Stones with Aloe Vera Gel, (I Make This Product) You Will Be Offered a Small Bottle to Take Home:) European Facial & Vibrational Therapy! Enjoy Lot’s of Feet Pampering with Reflexology:)
I Have Looked, No One So Far, Offers a Long Massage Like This One By Me, Wendy Arlene:) So I Know You Drive Far & So I’m Offering Longer Sessions:) Just Plan a Bit with Me Since I See Only a Few Folks a Day Because of My Longer Sessions Or We Can Definitely Plan Other Day!:)
Remember I Do Offer a Way To Reduce Your Body Hair! I Use Very Gentle, Vitamin Enriched Hair Removal Gel That Removes Hair Without Waxing, No Pain and Last For Weeks:)
Have a Beautiful Summer,
Cheers, Wendy Arlene